Because Daddy has to work on Gav's birthday - we celebrated a day early! We had lasagna which is his favorite dinner and finished it off with a cupcake! Gavin knew just what to do with it- pick the whole thing up and shove it in his mouth! He devoured the whole thing and even licked his tray! Afterwards, Starsky enjoyed what was left on his chair! Fun times!!
Hi Em! He actually did enjoy his birthday presents! He obviously didn't know why we gave him all those toys but he's having fun. Of course, the boxes were just as much fun as the toys!
Way to go, Gavin!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Sweet Boy! Gramma loves you.
Happy Birthday Gavin! Was he into his birthday presents?
Hi Em! He actually did enjoy his birthday presents! He obviously didn't know why we gave him all those toys but he's having fun. Of course, the boxes were just as much fun as the toys!
I am very pleased to see he recognizes the importance of dessert!! Happy birthday, Gavin!!
I love the photo of him licking the tray!!!
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