Monday, September 14, 2009

A future Tyler Florence?

We got Gavin a little kitchen for his birthday. While some may think this is more of a girly gift- I think it's perfect! He is always playing with my stuff- getting into the cabinets, trying to open the oven door, and pulling ice cubes out of the freezer. Now he has his very own vintage kitchen! It's red with stainless steel- actually not girly at all! Besides, many of the best chefs are men and I want my boy growing up with mad culinary skills! It just arrived so Adam put it together tonight. It fits perfectly in our kitchen, under the bar area. Now we can cook together! Here are some shots of the future "Top Chef".
Preparing something he saw on the food network...
Adam's parents got him some fake food and pots & pans - he enjoyed taking them out and putting them away.


Emily said...

I love it! What a perfect little chef! And yes, almost all the best chefs out there are men - so Gav has a great future ahead of him!

Unknown said...

OOOOH! super cute!

Dielle said...

That has to be the cutest "kiddie" kitchen I've ever seen. He's going to be some girl's dream man, that's for sure!